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Our Story
Our Story

Teen Challenge QLD (TCQ) is part of a global organisation founded on the streets of  New York in 1958 by Pastor David Wilkerson.  Each generation has produced individuals who actively care for the vulnerable people who live on the margins of society.  Lord Shaftsbury, Dr Barnardo, William and Catherine  Booth.  David Wilkerson, the founder of  (Global) Teen Challenge and author of the Cross and the Switchblade, was one of these heroes. 


The journey for TCQ began 50 years ago in the early seventies when a group of visionary men and women saw a need and decided to meet it.


Charles & Rita Ringma introduced Teen Challenge to Australia. 

Charles says, "I feel like I didn't start Teen Challenge QLD but that it came to me while working at night on the streets of South Brisbane. At that time, I began meeting young people who were using illegal drugs. The question then arose, "How to help them?". This question led me to bring Teen Challenge to Queensland". 



TCQ has been meeting challenges and needs for 50 years. It will continue to move with the cultural and societal demands and stay true to the mission "To Restore Hope and Rebuild the lives of people who are overcoming their addictions".  Staff and volunteers of TCQ will continue to ask the same question Charles and the band of early visionaries  asked, 'How to help people?'. 

Have you been a part of the Teen Challenge story ?  We want to hear your story. 

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Charles & Rita Ringma circa  1970's

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“Teen Challenge QLD is committed to   'Restoring Hope and Rebuilding Lives' for people working to overcome their addictions. Each staff and volunteer believes in people and is passionate about seeing women and men set free from the devastating effects of addiction. 


The programs focus on individual needs. Addiction is only a symptom of underlying issues in a person life. An investment in love, time and best practice contribute to the recovery of the men and women in our care. Time and space are given to support people in resolving the underlying issues that have led them to addiction. A whole and purposeful life is possible. 


Many come to TCQ unwell in body, mind and spirit. They have run out of options.  For many, they discover that God can reach into their hearts to bring healing and provide hope”. Joanne Hobbs Executive Director.


Joanne Hobbs

Executive Director

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