Drugs, alcohol and gambling addictions cost Australians millions of dollars each year. But it's not just money that is lost. Addictions cause people to lose hope, families to falter and communities suffer. The mission of Teen Challenge QLD (TCQ), is to see lives transformed. When people arrive at the door of the New Life Centre Rehabilitation facility, they all share similar stories. It's the story of heartbreak and broken lives; each person has just a sliver of hope that calls out to them and is strengthened and grows as they move from the grip of addiction's power to a new life. Lives like Ben's are changed forever.
Ben was a heroin addict for 10 years; he also used methamphetamines. His life was out of control and he was besieged by depression. Ben says that since completing the TCQ program his life has completely changed. He is no

longer the young man who couldn't function in society but now is a responsible dad and contributing member of society. He says he has moved from strength to strength since completing the rehabilitation program in 2015. It is stories like Ben's that can happen because of the generosity of individuals and corporations that give to the work of Teen Challenge QLD. Thank you.
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