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*Lachlan's Story

*Lachlan's Story

*Lachlan faced a tough upbringing and had plenty to be anxious about, but now he's building a brand-new future thanks to friends like you.

Lachlan says it best:

"I had some tough times growing up. My mum struggled with drugs, and I ended up in foster care when I was just nine months old. I hopped from one foster home to another for years."

When he turned 16, he moved back in with his mum, hoping for a family connection and a place to call home. But things hadn't changed:

"Back at home, I found the place was still filled with drugs and a lot of problems. It led me to start using drugs and alcohol as a way to escape from everything."

Feeling trapped and really low, Lachlan somehow found the strength to reach out for help:

"I was in a really tough spot. I was 17, and I thought there had to be more to life than this cycle of drugs and alcohol. I wanted to break that cycle for my family and myself, especially my younger siblings."

That's when he heard about New Hope House from his child safety officer. Walking into Teen Challenge, he was filled with hope.

For the first time, he found a place where he felt safe, secure, and accepted.

A place that encouraged him to leave his past behind, kick his addiction, and be the best he could be. A place that gave him a fresh start. Lachlan said:

"I found a brotherhood here. For the first time in my life, I felt like all my troubles were lifting. I felt a peace in my heart that I'd never felt before. I was loved and accepted. My life changed from the inside out."

Now, Lachlan is looking to a new future with hope about what life has in store for him. He shared:

"I still face challenges, but it makes a difference to have good people in my life for support. Now, I have my place in a fully furnished apartment."

You are truly making a difference by helping to restore hope and transform young lives like his, and for that, your support is immensely appreciated.

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