Jonathan's Story

Jonathan’s passion for giving young people a second chance will inspire you!
Say hello to Jonathan. He’s passionate about helping young people, who have so often been ‘set up to fail’ by a broken family-life or failed by the system.
Joining with friends like you to restore hope through Teen Challenge Qld is something he says is helping him reflect on his own life too.
This is his story:
Attending the Hope Gala last year, my business partner and I were touched by the testimonies and stories told.
We both decided that what Teen Challenge is doing aligns with our business core values – that is, to help those in need and to serve.
My experience in dealing with alcoholism and drug abuse was representing youths and young adults in the criminal justice system… youth and young adolescent crime is often a very complex issue. People cannot choose their parents, and if their parents are not able to be good role models, then they’re almost set up to fail.
Supporting young people through Teen Challenge has helped me reflect on how extremely fortunate I have been…
It’s easy to become jealous of those who are wealthier than us, smarter than us and those who were born from privileged backgrounds.
It’s quite easy to forget that there are those who would gladly swap their lives with my own and that despite how I might sometimes feel about someone else, I am fortunate enough to have a roof over my head and loose change to spend on myself.
Giving an individual another chance and showing that it is possible to overcome problems, no matter how small or large – that really resonates with me.
I think that everyone needs to do their share to make the world a better place. As cliché as it might sound, any donation is better than no donation. And I hope my support is making a positive impact on someone else’s life.
Thank you for being a valued member of the Teen Challenge Qld community, along with Jonathan! Your passion to restore young people’s hope and help them overcome addiction is making a powerful impact in so many young lives. You are so appreciated!