CHRISTMAS GREETINGS – From Executive Director, Joanne Hobbs
I love the Christmas season with all its beauty and the joy it is to celebrate our King’s birthday. We are one of those families that do the big roast lunch with all the trimmings and the absolute must in our family is the traditional trifle (my husband’s favourite). But the greatest delight I have in this season is the joy of giving to others. I always say to my family, it is wonderful to receive a gift but nothing compares with giving a gift to someone and seeing the joy it brings them. I believe that this is the way God wired us – He has blessed us with so much and it should therefore be our joy to outrageously bless others.
o our amazing supporters – I so wish you could personally see the impact that your giving has made to so many young lives throughout this year. It is because of you that we have been able to continue to provide the support and care as we walk the journey of recovery with these extraordinary young men and women. Your gift will bear eternal fruit as these amazing young people embrace their future with confidence and a sense of purpose.
Some Highlights from 2014:
Champion’s Night – we celebrated eight young men and women who had completed the program and living out their destiny
Gateway Constructions donated labour and materials to build new cupboards in East Wing of the men’s centre
Toowoomba Apex Club painted the East Wing in the men’s centre
Empower Church women put on a clothes swap night, raising over $2000
TC Care Services (lawn moving & rubbish removal) was launched in August with a donation from Gateway Construction of $10,000
Empower Church put on a Fundraising Bush Dance – Raised over $2000
In October our young women completed a Certificate III in Business
Three dams were built on our property – a big thank you to Dave Peake and those who volunteered their time and machinery
Three calves we born
A huge thank you to all the churches, businesses and individuals that supported Teen Challenge QLD in 2014. If you would like to give in our Christmas Appeal, to help see more young lives changed, it’s not too late, just CLICK HERE!
I pray that you and your precious families have a very Blessed Christmas and New Year.
We look forward to you partnering with us in 2015 to see many more young lives transformed.
God Bless
– Executive Director