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Colour Your Mind to a Healthier Place

Given October is all about Mental Health – we thought we would share with you some free resources that encourage keeping a healthy mind.

Colouring Most of us would have happy memories of colouring-in as a child but adult colouring is becoming just as hip! Topping the adult best seller lists, adult colouring-in books are encouraging relaxation through distraction, creating an overall state of calm and clarity. Plus – its fun!

Here are a few links to some free adult colouring-in pages for you to try!

Eating Researchers at Deakin University have found that people with healthy diets are less likely to develop depression and anxiety. So how do we make sure our diet hits the mark? Check out some of these helpful sites below for guides and recipes!

Exercising Exercise is not only important for our physical health but also critical to the well being of our mental health. Researchers at the University of Queensland’s school of human movement studies say that exercise is not only about preventing mental health issues or treating them but also promoting good mental health.

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