Our Great Big Garage Sale is back and we need your help! You can donate items, volunteer or make a purchase on the day. Your contribution will raise necessary funds to help young people overcome drug and alcohol addictions.
Here’s how you can get involved:
1. Donate - We need your stuff! Whether it’s furniture, electrical appliances, outdoor/sport equipment, kitchenware, books, musical items – you name it! We appreciate every donation big or small. 2. Volunteer - Come work alongside our staff and students leading up to the big day to help with set up and pricing. 3. Buy - We guarantee there is something for everyone! Attend the big day and purchase from a huge range of goods. Every dollar raised will help support a young person in our program.
The event will take place on Saturday 3 September from 6.30am – 1.00pm at our New Life Centre located 85 Bedford St, Toowoomba. So come along, bag yourself a bargain with thousands of items to choose from and your purchase will impact a young person’s future.
**Donations to be made to 85 Bedford St, Toowoomba. Drop off times are Tues, Thurs & Fri 1.30pm – 4.00pm OR call (07) 4637 0211 to arrange alternative times.