Teen Challenge Qld is throwing “The Great Big Garage Sale” in Toowoomba, to raise money for it’s programs and rehabilitation centres - but we need your help and your stuff!
That’s right – old toys, clothes, books, furniture, (working) electrical goods, art, manchester – if you have it, we want it!
If you have anything that is in good condition and can be resold, Teen Challenge would love your donation to help make ” The Great BIG Garage Sale” a reality.
Donations can be made between 9-11:30 am on the following dates:
February – 14th & 28th March – 14th & 28th April – 11th, 18th, 25th May – 2nd, 9th& 16th
and can be drop at 85 Bedford St Toowoomba.
Call (07) 4637 0211 to arrange alternative drop off times or collection of large items in Toowoomba. For Brisbane donations please contact the office on (07) 3422 1500.